Thursday, March 22, 2012

T-72B / Т-72Б

Crysis ingame screenshots 

Status : Complete

Model info :

This a model I've built about 2 years ago for the Crysis engine. It is complete with normal and specular maps. Two different versions were imported - with side skirts or without. Another version, with ERA blocks, is done but not imported.
As most other models I've built for this platform, it is, so to say, in a beta state: sounds are crappy, and HUD is incomplete. Also, despite being present, the NSV machine gun is not actually functional in crysis. Lights and exhaust smoke are placed and do work, though.

Technical info :

The T-72 is a Soviet main battle tank that entered production in the early 1970's. Although it resembles externally the T-64A and share some common features, it is not a direct successor to it (that would rather be the T-80). It is the second most produced post-WW-II tank (after the T-54/55). It is powered by a V-46 12 cylinder diesel engine, upgraded at different stages of production. The initial engine developed only 500-hp, but was later replaced by one capable of 780-hp. As all modern tanks, it has a "full" NBC protection. The main armament is a smooth-bored auto-loader 125mm cannon, a 7,62x54mm PKT coaxial mg and 12,7mm NSV (contrarily to common belief it's not an NSVT) heavy machine gun, mounted on the commander's counter-rotative cupola.
The T-72B is one of the later developments of the tank, which became the standard model in the 80's. Equipped with an improved 840-hp engine, it had a new main gun, stabilizer, sights, and fire control, capable of firing the 9M119 Svir guided missile. It also had reinforced front hull and turret armor giving it a more massive look. Another noticeable feature are the new external anti-radiation plates padding the top of the turret as well as the hatch and the roof above the driver. These are destined to protect the crew from the effects of neutron bomb. It has an additional ammo/tool box attached to the turret and the smoke pods, previously attached to the front of the turret, on both sides of the main gun, are, on the B version, attached to a dedicated stand on the turret's left side.
Later developments of the T-72B received additional protection through the adjunction of ERA (explosive reactive armor) to the front of the hull, the side skirts and the turret. The latest improvement of the T-72 (probably an evolution of the T-72BM introduced in 1989), still produced and in service is designated T-72BV (not to be confused with the T-72B ERA). It has tracks borrowed from the T-80 (and thus, a different drive sprocket), a slightly different turret and is equipped with the latest generation of ERA protection. An improved version of the T-72BM/BV's chassis is also used as the basis for the T-90. Despite that, the T-90 is not the successor of the T-72. Earlier versions were basically a T-72 chassis equipped with a T-80 turret, however later versions received a new type of turret, welded instead of molded, an automated NSVT hmg which can be operated from the inside, and features the latest developments in terms of technology and protection.

1 comment:

  1. hi, do you have this model for download?
