Thursday, March 22, 2012

BTR-70 / БТР-70

Crysis ingame screenshots

Status : Complete

Model info :

This a model I've built about 3 years ago for the Crysis engine. It is complete with normal and specular maps. Since the screenshots displayed above, the model has been modified - textures have slightly changed, as well as the normal and spec maps. The tires textures have been replaced with the ones seen on the BRDM-2 and the mesh's smoothing groups have been reworked. Also, in its latest version, the 46 in a square sign was moved, replacing the parade "USSR Red Guard" sign and the numbers have been replaced by the newer, more detailed ones.

Technical info :
Successor to the BTR60PB, the BTR70, introduced in 1972, is an eight wheeled amphibious APC. Like its predecessor, it is powered by two gasoline engines (each powering four wheels) and has retained its 360° rotating turret and armament (although the turret has been modified at various stages later on). The basic armament consists of a 14.5mm KPVT heavy machine gun (with 500 rounds) and a 7,62x54mm PKT coaxial machine gun (with 2000 rounds). It is completed by two Igla or Strela-3 (portable aa missile launchers). It also features an NBC protection and a fire detection and extinguishment system.

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